MAR Museum of Art of the city of Ravenna
From Severini, Sironi and Fontana to Paladino, Plessi and Samorì

OCTOBER 12, 2024 – JANUARY 12, 2025

The exhibition retraces, through a journey through 20th-century art, some fundamental stages in the history of the Mosaic School of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna in the year of its centenary (1924 – 2024). A fascinating journey that takes the visitor to the origins of the mosaic rebirth that took place in Ravenna in the 1920s, with the fundamental experiences of the 1950s, up to the surprising interpretations of the tessera in contemporary art.

I’M A MOSAIC! is made possible thanks to the generous contribution of the Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna, Ravenna 33, Orsoni Venezia 1888.